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wind realm magic

Wind realm spells are offensive spells drawing upon the power of the high scaled winds around the earth to concentrate the damage on the enemy you choose.

When cast in a room flagged as an "wind" room, the amount of damage will be higher than normal. However, when cast in a room flagged as a "earth" room, the damage will be lower than normal.

As with all of the four realms, there are five levels of spells.

This is the lowest level wind realm spell.
MP cost: 3

This is the second lowest wind realm spell.
MP cost: 7

This is the middle level wind realm spell.
MP cost: 10

This is the second highest wind realm spell.
MP cost: 15

This is the highest level wind realm spell.
MP cost: 25

©w2k+3,4,5,6,7,8,22 :)
