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The bARC

commune (n) A relatively small, often rural community whose members share common interests, work, and income and often own property collectively.

"Tugger" - mucka's Older Cousin

terraCOMMUNE is an almost self-sufficient collective built on land donated to the elders by the recently devastated and subsequently abandoned St. Joes many years ago.

Happy organic surroundings make for healthy produce

The elders arrived in a Kombi - once a sacred shrine to all things groovy, now an abandoned rusting wreck lost somewhere in the gardens. They broke up the bitumen and paving covering an abandoned car park and basketball courts and set about enriching the soil for crops. They established composting and nutrient reclaiming centres, waste digestors and methane generators, harnessed wind and solar power and looked to separate themselves from reliance on the outside world.

An Elder - peaced out

Hippies and other relaxed guys and gals renovated and refurbished the 3 storey building into a residential and creative hub, established a brewery, pottery, craft and artisan workshops, and extensive cottage garden. Times were tough but austerity, conservation and recycling saw them through the tough early years.

  \__________________________|  \ dorms \      /      \
\ windmill \ \ \ \ / \ mushroomery
waste metalworkery \ \ / \
\ \ \ \ \/____________\
\ kitchen \ \ | |
\ \ nursery| |\living
\ woodworkery \ | top | \
\ \ \ \ \|____________| \
\ \ \ \ | | \
toilets \ weavery| | pottery
\ \ orchard \ \ | middle | \
\ \ \ \|____________| \
\ \ laundry | |\ brewery
livestock \ \ | | \ \
\ \ \ | ground | \ store
\ \ \|____________| \ \
\ \ \ \
compost \ \ \
\ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\
\ | |
\ | |
poultry | market |
S \ | gardens |
\ \ | |
E--*--W \ | ____ |
\ \ | | |\ water |
\ \ | | | \ tank |
N \|_______________________| | |_______________________|
\ |
gate \|

All seems idillic - the change of administration saw those surviving elders relegated to "living treasures" and many are not happy that the commune lifestyle they established is eroded daily by outside pressures, not happy at all.

Join "Mucka" down on the Commune

terraCOMMUNE is a busy 380 room suburb featuring 94 new monsters, 130 new objects, a bunch of quests, some spells and a whole lot of new challenges in a scenario that will be strangely familiar to some.

It is an idealistic place and you will soon be able to be part of it - are you ready to peace out?


©w2k+4,5,6,7,8,12 :)
