Algorithms and Structured Programming
SSE Topics: Hardware - Lazarus - Gamemaker
Related Resources - Links to other people's pages covering related content - suggestions welcome.
Orientation - RAD environment, forms and other objects, their properties, methods and events associated with them.
Intro To the Pascal language - General program outline, convention and structure, the store, the body, comments
Project Structure and Syntax.
Console Applications - text-based applications in Lazarus v2-5
Data and typecasting - declaration and assignment, simple types, operation on simple types, converting between types
Pascal Statements - General programming language characteristics, and compound actions, use of the begin...end
Output and Input - messages, dialogs, and display
Adding To The Environment - Types and Constants, sub-ranges, user-enumerated types, type statements
Algorithms, algorithmic elements and their description
Includes Sequence, Selection and Iteration
Sub-Programming and event-driven Modularity- General, simple procedures and functions, Scope rules, Procedures/Functions with parameters (pass by reference, pass by value), procedural problems, Simple Recursion
User Interface Development
Abstract Data Types
Compound Data Structures - Overview of compound types and The SET
Compound Data Structures - Arrays and Strings
Compound Data Structures - Records and Tables
Sorting - Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Quick sorting and Binay Searching (via a binary 'chop')
External Storage Structures - Pascal Data Files and Text Files
Visual Command Glossary
Visual Project Recipes (follow the bouncing mouse exercises)
Hello World - Our First form-based project
IFB's - Identified Flying Buttons, space ships and simple timer-based animation.
Maths Tutor - A Button-based Mathematics tutor (simple Addition sums)
Virtual Pet - A 'tamagotchi' style artificial lifeform that uses timers, gauges and graphics to thoroughly waste your time.
Sprite-Based Animation - A 'wonky' walking robot.
GO! Speed Racer. - A race between 3 riders in this simple timer-based game