twotTER Title


PRATTLER - the 150 character microblogging "educational" case study made by wonko, when 140 characters are not enough.

IDEA -> ORM Model --> Table Map ---> UI ---> Data ----> Prototype.

Extended and related discussion should include uses of the API, Social and ethical Implcations, Accessibility, Performance, Profit and other things (like what?).

Prototype Parsing Engine (delphi + winDOZE)

Prattle Definition

Code, other niceties also to come - viva la public source


wonkosaid by wonko on 29 aug 2009

So, what of the SCOPE of an investigation in Digital Solutions? What fits here, how is it explored and what depth do we dig?

As I see it, we can explore areas of design and usability; applicability and scaleability; db design and implementation; optimisation and storage classes; ui and core functionality; parsing and clever coding smarts; authentication and spoofing; ...

The IDEA is to build, discuss and document the process of making a microblogging application, initially in PHP and MySQL, although ultimately it might fit better in an app engine (like googleApps). The aim is to surface the process, document the thoughts as they occur, publish the code if it eventuates, evaluate the suitability of various solutions and provide working bits and pieces.

UI design, target audience and other things are a work in progress. Suggestions welcome, but the aim is to surface the development process, inject as much feature-glut as I can before losing interest in it all together.

Will it result in a useable product? Who cares! It is the journey that is the important thing, along with the sights we take in along the way. "A giant step for a wonko", a path for all mankind.

What do you think?


said by others if and when they do

Big prattles will look like this, where the space is maxxed out by important prattling by equally important prats with lots to say as the prattlebox expands to accommodate as much prattled info as is prattled into it.

Each prattlebox will be a dynamically sizeable "container" for its contained prattle. Style sheets control the look and feel of the page and make each part consistent also. Colour scheme will be a faux Web2.02* in feel, negative space is the new black.

Eventually, each prat will have their own prattle stream, dependent on who they are following. Newer prattles will be on the top, more ancient below them.


[prat icon] [pratname] said this on [prattledate]
...because icons make it betterer
  other info coming as soon as I have made it up  

wonkoalso said by wonko on 21 aug 2012

*includes GST
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