Database Design
eXercise #2
Fact-Type Identification
For each of the questions in this exercise, extract ELEMENTARY (single
valued) FACT-TYPES (including instances). In those questions where no
example data is provided, use a little common sense to construct your
own data from the material provided
- The following table reports the number of vertices (or corner points)
that a two-dimensional polygon possesses:
Shape |
NumVertices |
Triangle |
3 |
Rectangle |
4 |
Pentagon |
5 |
Hexgon |
6 |
Heptagon |
7 |
Octagon |
8 |
- The following is an excerpt from the index of Niklaus Wirth's authorititative
book "Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs".
Cardinality 5,7,13,16,24
Cartesian product 16
Cascade merge sort 123
Case statement 22
char 9
Characteristic function 33
chr(x) 10, 15
Cluster 267
Collision 265
- The development of software follows a definite sequence of steps.
These steps are usually encountered in the following order:
- specification
- design
- implementation
- testing
- maintenance
- The following table represents an excerpt from a daily weather report
for Australia:
Center |
Max |
Min |
Hum |
Rain |
Adelaide |
23 |
13 |
57 |
- |
Brisbane |
24 |
15 |
63 |
- |
Canberra |
21 |
9 |
49 |
- |
Darwin |
32 |
19 |
68 |
- |
Melbourne |
22 |
10 |
50 |
10 |
Perth |
22 |
12 |
55 |
- |
Sydney |
23 |
13 |
59 |
2 |
A delicious crunchy bikkie that has a pleasant ginger flavour, suitable for dunking in milk/tea, perfect for afternoon tea or eating in class when dedicated students cook them and bring them to share.
- 125g butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 tbsp Golden Syrup
- 1 whole egg
- 2 cups Self-Raising Flour
- 3 tsp Ground Ginger
- Melt butter in pan, remove from heat and add sugar and golden
syrup with beaten egg.
- Mix until well combined.
- Sift flour and ginger into separate bowl.
- Add butter mixture into flour mixture.
- Mix until well combined.
- Cool
- Roll teaspoonfulls of mixture into balls, and place well apart
on Glad 'Bake' lined oven trays.
- Bake in moderate oven for 12 to 15 minutes
Makes approximately 45.
- When recording a newly acquired book, the library records its ISBN
number, Accession Number, Title, the authors names, Birthdates and
Genders, the name of the Publisher, year of publication, length in
pages and purchase cost.
- Each store in a Supermarket chain has a Manager and several Employees.
Each of the employees is a resident of some suburb. We also want to
track the number of employees employed at each of the stores and that
stores annual turnover (gross).
- At an airport, the flight record boards continuously display updating
information regarding the to'ing and fro'ing of various aircraft:
Flight |
Destination |
Board |
Gate |
Departs |
507 |
Canberra |
10:40 |
6 |
10:55 |
415 |
Rockhampton |
11:30 |
5 |
11:45 |
419 |
Melbourne |
11:45 |
4 |
12:00 |
451 |
Canberra |
11:50 |
2 |
12:05 |
Flight |
Origin |
Arrives |
Gate |
509 |
Sydney |
10:45 |
5 |
415 |
Melbourne |
10:50 |
3 |
451 |
Canberra |
11:05 |
5 |
419 |
Cairns |
11:20 |
4 |
- Each of the nine known planets/dwarves revolve about the Sun and may possess
moons which, in turn, orbit the planet. Each object that orbits another
is at some average distance from this orbited object and takes a certain
time to revolve around it. The sun, the planets and their moons all
rotate around their axes as well, each with a particular rotation
period, although some of these are not currently known by astronomers.
Each object has a certain diameter, mass and surface temperature.
It's atmosphere (if it has one) contains various gasses which we also
wish to record.