Database Design eXercises #2
Fact Type Identification
Polygon(polygon name)'Triangle' posseses vertices in Count(tally)3
Book(bookid)1 is called BookTitle 'Algorithms+Data Structures = Programs'
Book(bookid)1 was written by Person(fullname) 'Niklaus Wirth'
Book(bookid)1 features Topic(topicname)'Cartesian Product' on Page(pagenumber)16
Book(bookid)1 features as keyword Topic(topicname)'chr(x)'
Process(processid)42 is called ProcessName 'The Development of Software'
Process(processid)42 features Step(stepnum)3 described as StepDescription(sdesctext)'Implementation'
[Centre(centrename)Adelaide had weather measured on Date(adcode)19990101] = report
report had maximum of Temperature(degrees c)23
report had minimum of Temperature(degrees c)13
report featured relative humidity of Percentage(%)57
report had rainfall of Height(mm)10
Recipe(recipeid)1 is called RecipeName 'Gingernuts'
Recipe(recipeid)1 is described as Description(text)'A delicious crunchy bikkie...'
Recipe(recipeid)1 features Ingredient(ingredientname)'Sugar' in Quantity(number)1 measured in Unit(unitname)'cup'
Recipe(recipeid)1 has Step(stepnum)5 described as StepDescription(sdesctext)'Mix until well combined'
Recipe(recipeid) makes servings numbering Count(tally)45
Book(accession number)GT123456 refers to Publication(ISBN)'4178936'
Publication(ISBN)'4178936' is called Title'The Joy of Socks'
Publication(ISBN) was written by Author(authorid)42
Author(authorid) has Gender(gcode)'M'
Author(authorid) was born on Date(adcode)1970624
Publication(ISBN) was published by Publisher(puname)'Penguin'
Publication was published on Date(adcode)19981103
Publication has page count of Count(tally)999
Book(accession number) cost Mone(dollars)19.99
notes: this allows for the library to own more than one copy of the
book, to purchase each separately for different costs
Store(storeid) is managed by Person(personid)42
Person(personid) lives in Suburb(suburb name)'wherever'
Store(storeid) has employee of Person(personid)
Store(storeid) has annual gross turnover of Money(dollars)0.50
[Flight(flightnumber)415 arrives from Place(placename)'Melbourne'] = arrival
[Flight(flightnumber)415 departs to Place(placename)'Rockhampton'] = departure
arrival arrives at Time(ampmcode)
arrival lets passengers out through Gate(gatenum)
departure leaves at Time(ampmcode)
departure boards at Time(ampmcode)
departure accepts passengers through Gate(gatenum)
CelestialBody(cbid)1 is called BodyName'Earth'
[CelestialBody(cdid) revolves around CelestialBody(cbid)]= satellite
satelite orbits at average distance of Length(km)
CelestialBody(cbid) has body type of CBType'Moon' (or planet or star or asteroid or comet:)
satellite has orbit period of Time(earthday count)
CelestialBody(cdid) has axis rotation period of Time(earthdaycount)
CelestialBody(cbid) has diameter of Length(km)
CelestialBody(cbid) has mass of Mass(tonnes)
CelestialBody(cbid) has surface temperature of Temperature(degreesc)
CelestialBody(cbid) has atmosphere containing Gas(gasname)