Computer Systems
eXercise #4
Note: V=OR, &=AND, ~=NOT
- If A=TRUE, B= TRUE and C=FALSE, evaluate the following:
- A & B
- A V C
- (A & ~B) V C
- ~(A & B) & (A & C)
- A & (~A V B) V (~C V ~B) & C
- If P=10111111, Q=10101010 and R=11110000, evaluate the following:
- P & Q
- P V R
- (P & ~Q) V R
- ~(P & Q) & (P & R)
- P & (~P V Q) V (~R V ~Q) & R
- Regarding the SIGNED INTEGER -9063
- Express it in TWO'S COMPLIMENT form
- Perform a SHL3 on part 1's answer, and explain the result
- Perform a SHR5 on part 1's answer, and explain the result
- What would the answer to the following sum (without converting
it to binary) -9063 &~-9063
- Regarding Software and Hardware Interrupts
- Wht are they PRIORITIZED prior to being noticed by the CPU?
- Explain the purpose of the Interupt Vector Table
- Describe the actions resulting from the receipt of 2 high priority
interupts within a short interval of each other (supposing the
interval is not sufficiently long to completely deal with the
first interupt before the next, higher priority one comes along)
- Determine the results of the following:
- not 255
- 27 or 45
- 255 and 3
- Suppose we decide to encode a calendar date into BINARY using the
following scheme:
eg. 1100001101111101
97 11 29 = 29th November, 1997
- Supposing I wished to ISOLATE just the month in a 2 BYTE WORD,
what logical operations would be necessary to achieve this?
- What logical operations would be necessary to determine if the
YEAR was 1998?