Deceptively simple, this exercise in pre-folding followed by a magical collapse results in an interesting box/table/container…thing:
I like the design, geometry, clever self-locking but am not sure a paper container is the best thing to light up incense in.A nice simple model to finish the month with – thanks @ackygirl for the loan of the book this comes from.
In the little shop at the end of the street i live in (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) they actually sell these (not cheap and painted with water-colour). When i saw them i asked them about the same concern; it seems they are treated with some fire retarding fluid. Do not remember exactly the brand etc. but after figuring it out you can set up shop 🙂
What’s the name of the book this comes from? Maybe if it was made of foil… I like boxes. Please share the diagram if you have it scanned. thanks!
This one is from a book called “Classic Origami” by Paul Jackson
ISBN 1-8538-214-5
I did not scan the design, sorry