Now I like a good challenge, but this was a little beyond the pale:
I have seen photos of this model less than half as big and I am buggered if I can work out how you could fold it that small as I struggled at this scale.
A fascinating exercise in box pleating that makes the peggy things and the pitty things on the same surface of a page, then bending it into a self-locking box – wow!
I can see how this could scale infinitely, adding rows of pegs and pits but I am glad I chose only 2 of each as this alone took me an age to nut out – I had a practice with each component first (the site I found it suggested this was a good idea (well, at least I think it did, I cannot read Italian very well.
Why lego? Well, I have been playing with lego robots for a week or so in prep for a robotic unit with year 10 students – lots of fun.
You should have a go at this yourself here
Do you know where the can get the diagrams. The website has since taken them down.
No, sorry, perhaps contact the designer directly?
Resource moved to here: