The Perfect Organism

I have long been drawn to the particular thrill of Science-Fiction based horror – few franchises do it like Alien:

This Xenomorph, designed by Kade Chan (you too can have a go at folding it here) was folded from a 60cm square of Crumpled VOG paper – a rare find in my stash, near last remnant of a purchase some 10 years ago when you could still buy VOG paper.

My previous fold of this model was in crispy Kraft in 2013, and I had always meant to return to it and fold a presentation fold. With the release of “Alien Romulus” in cinemas, I figured the chest burster was about ready to pop.

There is so much to love about the design – because the BASE is so convoluted, you get a bunch of layers that can later be used to add texture, rubs, ridges and fine details that really pop. I was pretty happy with my accuracy this time through, and managed menacing claws, an articulated tail, fearsome visage and a whole lot more.

A display idea woke me up this morning – yes, actually. I decided to use a largeish plastic lid, and fashioned an Ovomorph (that leathery thing that holds a hibernating Facehugger) out of cardboard, foam and gaffa tape (is there anything it cannot do??) then covered everything with a glued layer of crumpled black bleeding tissue to complete the look.

The lid afforded me the opportunity to add some armature wires that run up the legs and holds up the tail.

I am beyond pleased with how this fearsome chap turned out – something straight out of a Geiger-inspired fever dream, and the perfect addition to my upcoming origami exhibition at my local library.

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