a pumpkin

wOnKo's Never-Fail Pumpkin Soup

This is a healthy yet hearty meal in it's own right and could easily become a favourite with kids and adults alike. Prepare this soup well in advance, and serve it piping hot with crusty bread.


bowl of soup


  1. Peel Vegetables and chop roughly into small pieces.
  2. Melt butter in large stock pot, and add Vegetables and Garlic, stirring over medium heat until the Vegetables glisten and sweat.
  3. Add hot Stock (or hot water and powder)and bring to boil.
  4. Add Bayleaf, seasonings and sugar, stir and turn the heat down to it's lowest setting and simmer the soup gently for an hour. Stir occasionally.
  5. Remove from heat, remove the Bayleaf and either blend the soup, push it through a seive or process it with a mouli until smooth (blending will release the best pumpkinny flavour).
  6. To serve, ladle into serving bowls, drop a teaspoon of sour cream into the centre of each and stir gently in a swirl to decoratively distribute the sour cream. Using scissors, snip some fresh chives onto the sourcream swirl. Eat immediately.


a loaf of bread Goes well with crusty bread.
ice crystal Suitable for Freezing.
microwave Suitable for microwaving (reduce, slightly the quantity of liquid)
a carrot Vegetarians could use either vegetable stock or plain water in place of chicken stock.
family Kid Friendly (get the kids to make it for you, you might need to help them handle the hot stock and with the blending)

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