wOnKo's Chockie Shortbread Horseshoe Bickie things

This recipe is based in part on one from the Mrs Fields Best Ever Cookie Book, stolen shamefully and modified to be even yummier.

They are crunchy, and you get coated with icing sugar when you bite into them, but taste terrific



  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees C
  2. In a small bowl, combine flour and cocoa and set aside
  3. In a medium bowl, mix butter, sugar and vanilla until light and smooth. Scrape down sides of bowl then add the flour mixture and mix until well incorporated and doughy.
  4. Take level desertspoon-fulls, shape into snakes and place on Glad Bake lined trays bending them into horseshoe shapes (or any other shape you like). They don't rise too much, so can be placed fairly close together.
  5. Bake for 15-17 minutes until they feel dry on the outside but are still a little soft inside - DO NOT brown (which is difficult as they are already brown :)
  6. Cool on the tray for 2-3 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack for further cooling. When nearly cool, dust with icing sugar
  7. Eat and enjoy

How did they go? - let me know


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