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Onwards to Edinburgh

This will be our “last post” for this trip, and I am determined for it not to become our “lost post” like when I ran out of steam 3 years ago, so here goes (you gotta kill the hours of airtime somehow, and I do not sleep on planes annoyingly). The day we drove towards … Continue reading »

Categories: Scotland | 2 Comments

Castles and Battles and Towers, oh my!

Our Saturday was spent exploring Stirling and the famous battles that happened nearby. When you look around the city there are two dominant landmarks visible from nearly everywhere – Stirling Castle and The Wallace Monument. These and more were on the agenda. William Wallace is a Scottish hero. Famously (or should I say infamously) romanticised … Continue reading »

Categories: Scotland, travel | Leave a comment

Forests, Parks and Recreation

Stirling is in the heart of the Scottish countryside and we find ourself surrounded by little towns and lochs. We spent a day exploring the many and varied environs of Queen Elizabeth Forest Park, a part of a larger forest reserve. We drove to The Lodge Forest Visitors Centre and walked a gently undulating oak … Continue reading »

Categories: Scotland, travel | Leave a comment