IPT - A Virtual Approach IPT A Virtual Approach by Peter Whitehouse
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Algorithms and Programming eXercises #14

Compound Data Structures
The SET - Solutions

The following represent strategies/algorithms and NOT actual coded solutions - it is thought there is definite advantage here for students to actually wrestle with the actual code to get a working solution. There may be MANY different ways to encode these solutions - get creative and try to be efficient


  1. Procedure PrintSet(theSet:byteset);
    var loop : byte;
    ...for loop := 1 to 255 do
    ......if loop in theSet
    .........then write(loop,', ')
    end; {PrintSet}

  2. Procedure AddElement(var theSet:byteset; element : byte);
    ...theset := theset+ [element]
    end; {AddElement}

  3. Function Cardinality(theset:byteset):byte;
    var counter, loop : byte;
    ...counter := 0;
    ...for loop := 0 to 255 do
    ......if loop in theset
    .........then inc(counter);
    ...Cardinality := counter;
    end; {Cardinality}

  4. Procedure RemoveElement(var theSet:byteset; element : byte);
    ...theset := theset- [element]
    end; {AddElement}

  5. Procedure CreateRandomSet (var theset:byteset; num : byte);
    var thing, counter : byte;
    ...counter := 0;
    ......thing := random(256);
    ......if not(thing in theset)
    ...............theset := theset + [thing];
    ...until counter = num
    end; {dreate random set}

2. This program requires a simple set structure used over aand over using a loop. Each game, you clear the set, randomly insert a number of numbers into it (see 1(e) above) and then output the set before clearing it and starting again


  1. EnglishDays, MathematicsDays, ComputerDays, BiologyDays: Daysets

  2. EnglishDays := [mon, tue, thu]; and so on

  3. write(mon in EnglishDays)
    write((wed in BiologyDays) and (thu in BiologyDays))

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