IPT 2004 Syllabus
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Information and Intelligent Systems

Database Languages: 10 weeks - Semester 1


This unit introduces students to relational databases and how they can be implemented and manipulated in SQL, using RDBMSs like MS Access and MySQL.

Subject Matter and Learning Experiences

Students should know:

  • Concepts such as relational databases, keys, relationships (foreign keys), domain constraints (check constraints), cascade effects,

Students should be able to:

  • Perform Database Definition Language (DDL) commands such as creation, deletion, insertion, modification of tables in a relational database language using a language like SQL in a stand-alone or online relational database management system shell (like MySQL or Access).
  • Link tables via relationships (foreign keys) and other inter-table constraints
  • Compose tables with a wide range of textual, numeric and graphical data fields , and compose output reports with these tables.
  • Perform Database Manipulation Language (DML) commands such as projection, selection, intersection, difference, union and correlation.
  • Selectively update records in a table and selectively insert data into another table from existing records.
  • Make use of built-in functions for column aggregation, derivation and manipulation (like sum, average, max, min), operators that allow sub-string searching.
  • Ordering and grouping (agglomerating) columns in an output report via one or more criteria.
  • Design query solutions using a visual metaphor (like relational query diagrams), translate solutions into valid retrieval requests (in a language like SQL) and determine the effectiveness of their solutions - this encompasses the DDE cycle.

Students should have experience with:

  • Visual querying methodologies (like QBE) and visual query design using relational diagramming methods.
  • Making, populating and manipulating tables in a relational database system.
  • Constructing output reports and composing them visually on a form for an audience.


  • Privacy
  • Uncertainty, ambiguity and error
  • Information veracity
  • The "Big Brother" concept including monitoring and content control
  • Backup systems, redundancy, version control and currency of records


  • Command-line interfaces
  • Visual querying
  • Structure, function and audience of output reports
  • Abstraction barriers User-RDBMS and RDBMS-data.
  • Composing output reports for a particular audience.
  • Simple, functional navigation.
  • Read, compose and explain complex queries including union, intersection, difference, correlated sub-queries and other logical and set-based concepts.
  • QBE
  • Write supplemental procedural code to augment built-in functionality of the DBMS
Assessment Students will engage in a scaffolded research task [RT1] involving collecting and analyzing information, evaluating and justifying solutions. It ranges over a period of 2 weeks (mixture of class and own time) where they investigate a database system, commenting on query capability, interface design and usability. Students will sit for a test [T1] in a supervised session for reporting purposes.

Online Databases: 8 weeks - Semester 1
Overview This unit focuses on networked and online databases, introducing students to server-side scripting, live to network and Internet databases, online environments and related concepts.
Subject Matter and Learning Experiences Students will query and construct elements of an online and/or networked relational database system using a RDBMS like MySQL and server-side a scripting language like PHP to construct and display output reports. They will engage in design, development and evaluation of those systems and suitable web-based interfaces.


  • Computer fraud and identity theft
  • Security, privilege and user accessibility.
  • Copyright and content control on the WWW
  • Equity and accessibility
  • Aspects of the Internet including cookies, pop-ups and e-business


  • The web page as a convergent portal
  • Usability, click analysis
  • Skinnability and customization of interfaces
  • Adaptive interfaces
  • Virtual environment interfaces (MOO, MUD) and other database-driven content management systems
  • Use scripting languages to extract and display data to create reports from online databases using languages like PHP
  • Construct output reports from remote databases
  • Create online database solutions using Server-side applications (like MySQL), and Server-side scripting languages (like PHP).
Assessment Students will collect and analyze information [WT1] and will sit for a supervised examination [EX1]

Database Design: 10 weeks- Semester 2
Overview This unit introduces students to terminology allowing them to formally describe architectures of information systems and methodologies for specification via a fact-oriented method (like ORM) and a process-oriented method (like IFDs), allowing them to design and implement relational databases.
Subject Matter and Learning Experiences Students will engage in a major system analysis and development project integral to this unit. They will use ORM as part of the Design process, they will Develop a working information system and Evaluate it's effectiveness given an understanding of audience, interfaces and accessibility. They will work collaboratively in teams and apply theoretical knowledge and processes in practical implementation.


  • Privacy
  • Security
  • Hacking


  • User-centred design
  • Interface design issues including style guides
  • Different perspectives of an interface - user, manager, designer .
  • Prototyping.
  • Reverse-engineer an existing database system to extract it's Conceptual framework using an accepted design methodology like ORM
  • Compare conceptual representations between visual methodologies like ORM with mathematical or logical/set exposition models like Z schemas
Assessment Students will begin working on a Major System Development project [MP1] which is the vehicle through which much course content is delivered. Students will sit for a supervised test [T2] for reporting purposes if required.

Knowledge Discovery: 8 weeks- Semester 2
Overview This unit provides students with an understanding of issues and philosophical viewpoints of AI, along with some current areas of research and application in the areas of expert systems and neural networks
Subject Matter and Learning Experiences Students will explore AI concepts and investigate knowledge representation in Artificial Neural Networks, Expert Systems and explore search techniques.


  • Reliability of automated diagnosis systems
  • Computers and employment, changes to professional practice


  • Explore emergent technologies like intelligent agents
  • Adaptive interfaces
  • Speech and handwriting recognition
  • Explore components, learning and structure of Neural networks
  • Construct applications or simulations of neural networks using appropriate shells or development tools
  • Explore forward and backward chaining techniques
  • Explore search techniques
Assessment This is a continuation of Relational database case study [MP1 cont] culminating in a supervised Exam [EX2] covering database design and AI concepts.


© 2004. St. Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace
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