This space is designed specifically to help Terrace IPT students through the course they are currently engaged in. Although formal homework is rarely set, there is ALWAYS something to do - next time you think wtf, reach for this list.......

Work we are currently doing in class (icon sometimes points to the actual item in the e-text) |

Work Completed and so fair game for Diagnostic testing/Examination
(icon sometimes points to the actual item in the e-text) |
11: |
Year 11 Course Work Log
If you have not got a working copy of XAMPP installed, get to it. MAC USERS DO NOT install a VM version - if unsure, wait until class and you will be guided through this |
We need XAMPP to run PHP - we are about to learn some Server-side computing. |
Explore PHP project repository |
Learning about PHP web apps - home page, meet and greet (using a simple FORM) , Quadratic solver (using GET) and Tikatek using POST |
"Game" programming using Rock Paper Scissors (and a neat little URL trickfeeding into a GET variable without the need for a form) and 2up |
Check out the PHP Language GUIDE and add to it things you have found useful |
Start here with theory and practice |
Refer to this, a terrific resource - w3Schools PHP Tutorials |
Can you make this? Can you identify WHEN this goes WRONG and WHY? Can you make it BETTER |
Assessment Calendar 2018:
- Test 4 (Introduction to PHP) - Written Exam - End Semester 2 Exam Block
12: |
Year 12 Course Work Log
...all over red rover? |
Assessment Calendar 2018:
- Look after each other, go do amazing things
This page is not relevant to anyone but a Terrace IPT student, teacher or parent wanting to check up on what their kids should be doing