In Unit 4, students learn how data is shared in both local and global contexts, particularly how digital solutions are increasingly required to exchange data securely and efficiently. Students will understand elements of cybersecurity by exploring the conditions, environment and methods for enabling data to flow between different digital systems. They will analyse data privacy and data integrity risks associated with transferring data between applications and evaluate the personal, social and economic impacts associated with the use and availability of both public and private data. Students will develop an application that simulates the exchange of data between two applications.
Unit requirements
In Unit 4, the programming language must allow the following operations:
text-based syntax
input and output to data stores, e.g. files and databases
availability to connect to other devices and services
use of lists and records.
Students may use an object-oriented programming language.
SQL syntax version must be based on generic ANSI-style SQL, i.e. SQL-92.
Unit Objectives
Unit objectives are drawn from the syllabus objectives and are contextualised for the subject matter and requirements of the unit. Each unit objective must be assessed at least once. Note (*) Items to be assessed in IA3 but NOT EA
Students will:
recognise and describe programming elements, components of data exchange systems, privacy principles and data exchange processes
symbolise and explain data structures and specifications, methods for exchanging data, algorithms and data-flow relationships within and between systems
analyse problems and information related to digital systems
determine solution requirements and prescribed and self-determined criteria*
synthesise information and ideas to determine possible components of digital solutions
generate components of the digital solution*
evaluate impacts, components and solutions against prescribed and self-determined criteria to make refinements and justified recommendations
make decisions about and use mode-appropriate features, language and conventions for particular purposes and contexts.*
Subject Matter:
Note, subject matter has been identified (1.c.2, 2.b.1 etc for ease of reference)
encryption and authentication strategies appropriate for securing data transmissions and their differences
features of symmetric (Data Encryption Standard — DES, Triple DES, AES — Advanced Encryption Standard, Blowfish and Twofish) and assymetric (RSA) encryption algorithms
how data compression, encryption and hashing are used in the storage and transfer of data
how simple algorithms consist of input, process and output at various stages
how useability principles are used to inform solution development
how the elements and principles of visual communication inform user interface development
Australian Privacy Principles (2014) and ethics applicable to the use of personally identifiable or sensitive data from a digital systems perspective
network transmission principles, including latency, jitter, guarantee and timeliness of delivery, and protocols relevant to the transmission of data over the internet, e.g. HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, VPN, streaming and broadcasting data packets
methods for data exchange used to transfer data across networked systems including REST, JSON and XML
symbolise, analyse and evaluate Caesar, Polyalphabetic (e.g. Vigenere and Gronsfield), and one-time pad encryption algorithms
describe data using appropriate naming conventions, data formats and structures
symbolise and explain
how application sub-systems, e.g. front end, back end, work together to constitute a solution
secure data transmission techniques and processes, including the use of encryption, decryption, authentication, hashing and checksums
the basic constructs of an algorithm, including assignment, sequence, selection, condition, iteration and modularisation
representations of a digital solution
data flow through a system using data flow diagrams.
Topic 2: Complex digital data exchange problems and solution requirements
In this topic, students will:
analyse problems and information to determine
boundary of scope of given problems
constraints and limitations of environments
requirements of the solution components
necessary coded modularity and features
factors and risks that affect data security, including confidentiality, integrity and availability, and privacy
existing code within inbuilt libraries
prescribed and self-determined criteria to appraise the implementation, e.g. protection, security and interactions
analyse, evaluate and make refinements to data to ensure completeness, consistency and integrity
analyse and explain a system’s data process by developing data flow diagrams that link external entities, data sources, processes and data storage
determine manageable aspects of a problem through a decomposition and analysis of
available tools and code libraries
data storage and output requirements
data interface
determine data sources required to generate data components
symbolise algorithmic steps as pseudocode
explain the purpose of code and/or algorithm statements using code comments and annotations
communicate using
digital technologies–specific language
language conventions; textual features such as annotations, paragraphs and sentences; and referencing conventions to convey information to particular audiences about digital solutions
sketches or diagrams to present information and ideas about the problem and programmed digital solutions
the modes of visual, written and spoken communication to present data and information about digital solutions.
develop simple Caesar, Polyaphabetic (e.g. Vignere and Gronsfeld), and one-time pad encryption algorithms
a well-ordered and unambiguous algorithm to solve defined problems using pseudocode
a prototype digital solution that uses appropriate data structures including JSON or XML, to exchange data
manipulate data from an external source
generate data structures using
SQL CREATE, DROP and ALTER statements
SQL SELECT query, including WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, sub-selection and inner-joins clauses
generate within programmed methods
selection, i.e. use of single and nested, simple or compound conditions
iterations, including nesting or simple or compound conditions
use of code-specific arithmetic comparison and logical operators, including real division, integer division, modulus
use of data types, error-checking functions and conversions
use of structures, including one-dimensional collections, e.g. arrays and lists
evaluate by desk checking algorithms to predict the output for a given input, identify errors and validate algorithms
security impacts of data and its use, dissemination, storage, accuracy and ownership on personal, social and economic needs
the solution against prescribed and self-determined criteria
solutions by testing to refine their accuracy, reliability, maintainability, efficiency, effectiveness and useability
and make justified recommendations related to the security impacts of digital solutions, taking into consideration changes in interactivity and ways information and data are created, used and shared.