Plans are to start this unit in Term 3 Year 11. This is conditional on coverage of units 1 and 2 preceding it. Assessment here will be progress monitoring in nature for end term 4, but formalise in Summative Technical Proposal (IA1) and Digital Solution (IA2) for confirmation in Year 12. From what is in the syllabus, Unit 3 builds on what has been covered in Units 1 and 2 - there is little "new" in this unit, per se, but rather ther eis time to dig a little deeper here in support of actually using the skills to begin the summative assessment items of this course:
Time allocation | Unit Objectives | Subject matter | Learning Experiences | Resources |
Year 11, Term 4 Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 | Mini Project - 2do ED | |||
Week 4 | Mini project - 2do GE | |||
Week 5 | IA1 - explore | |||
Week 6 | IA1 - develop | |||
Week 7 | Exam block IA1 - checkpoint (for reporting) |
Week 8 | Exam block | |||
Year 12, Term 1 Week 1 |
Week 2 | ||||
Week 3 | ||||
Week 4 | ||||
Week 5 | ||||
Week 6 | ||||
1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 | To place: | Topic 1: 1a: 1a 1b: 1b 1c: 1c 1d.1: 1d.1 1d.2: 1d.2 1d.3: 1d.3 1e: 1e 1f.1: 1f.1 1f.2: 1f.2 1g.1: 1g.1 1g.2: 1g.2 1h: 1h 1i: 1i Topic 2: 2a: 2a 2b: 2b 2c: 2c 2d: 2d 2e: 2e 2f: 2f 2g.1: 2g.1 2g.2: 2g.1 2h: 2h 2i.1: 2i.1 2i.2: 2i.2 2j: 2j 2k.1: 2k.1 2k.2: 2j.2 2l: 2l 2m: 2m 2n: 2n 2o: 2o Topic 3: 3a: 3a 3b: 3b 3c: 3c 3d.1: 3d.1 3d.2: 3d.2 3d.3: 3d.3 3d.4: 3d.4 3e.1: 3e.1 3e.2: 3e.2 3e.3: 3e.3 3f.1: 3f.1 3f.2: 3f.2 3f.3: 3f.3 3f.4: 3f.4 3g: 3g 3h: 3h 3i.1: 3i.1 3i.2: 3i.2 3j.1: 3j.1 3j.2: 3j.2 3k: 3k 3l.1: 3l.1 3l.2: 3l.2 3m.1: 3m.1 3m.2: 3m.2 |