Note: (bs4) this is the initial delivery sequence Terrace will use. This does not use syllabus topic order for this unit and assumes that so long as all the mandated points are covered, all is good. Syllabus topics within each unit were stated as "functional" groupings imposed on the units late in the syllabus development process after unit content was formulated. It is hoped that a more "logical" order of learning experiences may make more sense to the learner - there appears to be opportunities to surface the groundwork for later units here also, depending on student aptitude and time availability we shall do this also.
Boys School approach - get doing things and then reflect, hence Topics 3&4 before topics 1&2 (although, to be fair, topics 1/2 are going to be attacked as global topics across all units, as well as initially specifically here)
This remains a work in progress.
2020: Term 1 = 10 weeks, Term 2 = 9 Weeks (unit handover Week 5), term 3 = 10 weeks (Unit handover end Term 3), Term 4 = 8weeks
Time allocation | Unit Objectives | Subject matter | Learning Experiences | Resources |
Yr 11, Term 1 Week 1 |
2 | 1a.11a.23a3j |
XAMPP Sublime Text PHP ref Bootstrap install |
Week 2 | 13 | 3b3c3d.13e3f3i.13i.2.13i.2.23j4a4b4c.4 |
Pseudocode Flowgorithm The Art of Programming |
Week 3 | 48 | 1f1g.32b.12a.13d.23e3f3i.2.33i.3.13h.13i.44a4b4c.14c.24c.54d4e.1 |
Pencil Project Balsamiq |
Week 4 | 2 | 3c3i.3.23i.3.33i.3.43h.13h.24a4c.34e.3 |
Week 5 | 345 | 1b1c.11c.31d1e1f1g.22a.12b.22c2d3d.13d.23g |
Bootstrap ref Bootstrap ref2 UX Usability1 Usability2 |
Week 6 | 167 | 1c.21g.31g.42a.22c2d2e3f3h.33i.54c.24e.14e.34e.54e.7 |
Paper Prototyping |
Week 7 | 78 | 3g4c.64d4e.24e.6 |
PHP_Tut |
Week 8 | 1g.12e4e.44e.54e.8 |
Week 9 | 1a.11a.21c.11c.21c.31d1e1f |
Week 10 |
Yr 11, Term 2 Week 1 |
1g.11g.21g.31g.42a.22b.22c2d3g4e.54e.7 |
Week 2 | 1b2b.12e3i.54c.6 |
Week 3 | 4d4e.34e.2 |
Week 4 | 8 | 3j4e.44e.8 |