A simple displacement cipher, apparently used by one of the many Caesars to send secret messages. It relies on a KEY (displacement) and rolling alphabet.
Remember, the original cipher used GREEK letters, apparently Julius always used the KEY of 3, making the subsequent decoding much simpler. It encrypts LETTERS only, spaces and punctuation remain unchanged.
Cipher wheel from https://inventwithpython.com/cipherwheel/
BEGIN INPUT message UPCASE message INPUT key INPUT conversiontype INIT alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' INIT result = '' FOR each character in message IF character in alphabet THEN pos = position of character in alphabet IF conversiontype = 'encrypt' THEN result = result + alphabet[(pos + key) mod 26] ELSEIF conversiontype = 'decrypt' THEN result = result + alphabet[(pos - key) mod 26] ENDIF ELSE result = result + character ENDIF ENDFOR OUTPUT result END