Terrace Crest Terrace Course Hub

Unit Overview


  • Understanding digital problems
  • User experiences and interfaces
  • Algorithms and programming techniques
  • Programmed solutions
  • Assessment
    • Diagnostic Case Study
      (Mid Term 1, 2021 - TASK, ISMG)
    • fIA1 - Investigation (part A) Brainstorm, Mindmaps, Wireframes (End T1)
      (part B) - Technical Proposal
      (T2, W3 - TASK, ISMG)


  • Data-driven problems and solution requirements
  • Data and programming techniques
  • Prototype data solutions
  • Assessment
    • fIA3 - Project - Folio
      (End T2 - TASK, ISMG)
    • fIA2 - Project - Digital Solution
      (End T3 - TASK, ISMG)
    • fEA - Mini-mock exam
      (End T3)


  • Interactions between users, data and digital systems
  • Real-world problems and solution requirements
  • Innovative digital solutions
  • Assessment:
    • IA1- Investigation - Technical proposal (20%)
      Due End Week 4, Term 1, 2021
    • IA2 - Project - Digital Solution (30%)


  • Digital methods for exchanging data
  • Complex digital data exchange problems and solution requirements
  • Prototype digital data exchanges
  • Assessment
    • IA3 - Project - Folio (25%)
    • EA - External Exam (25%)

In 2023, the proposed unit coverage is as follows:

Year 11
  • Term 1 = 10 weeks (Unit 1)
  • Term 2 = 4 Weeks (Unit 1) + 5 Weeks (Unit 2)
  • Term 3 = 10 weeks (Unit 2)
  • Term 4 = 8 weeks (Unit 3 begin)
Year 12
  • Term 1 = 10 weeks (Unit 3)
  • Term 2 = 4 Weeks (Unit 3) + 5 Weeks (Unit 4)
  • Term 3 = 10 weeks (Unit 4)
  • Term 4 = 8 weeks (Unit 4 + External Exams)



Explore, Develop, Generate, Evaluate and Refine
Explore EDGER

Digital Solutions, like all new 2019 implementation QCAA Syllabi are couched in the QCAA's 21st century Skillset. While most of these are generalist "motherhood" statements, they provide a framework for engaging in curriculum that is consistent across all subjects. These have been identified (eg 1b, 4c) for reference, and may appear in the TLAPs where required (or not).

21st Century Skills Implicit in Digital Solutions
1. Critical Thinking
  1. problem-solving using the problem-solving process in Digital Solutions
  2. analytical thinking in formulating algorithm and program structures
  3. decision-making by making informed choices and justified recommendartions
  4. intellectual flexibility by being iopen to alternative ideas and new learning
  5. evaluating with purpose against criteria
2. Creative Thinking
  1. generating and applying new infomration and ideas to create and identify strategies to develop innovative solutions
  2. using innovation to identify new ways of doing things and opportunities to reimagine solutions
  3. demonstrating initiative and enterprise to be self-directed in learning and problem solving
  4. demonstrating curiosity and imagination to motivate learning in digital technologies contexts
  5. synthesising information and ideas to create new understanding
  6. evaluating and refining ideas and solutions to identify alternative possibilities and make new links to knowledge
3. Communication
  1. using and manipulating effective oral, written and visual communication
  2. using specialist language, terminology, symbols, diagrams and texts to communicate digital technologies information and ideas effectively with a diverse range of contexts
4. Collaboration and Teamwork
  1. relating and interacting wit others to solve problems in digital technologies contexts
  2. recognising and using diverse perspectives to determine the influences and personal, social and economic impacts of digital technologies contexts
  3. participating and contributing to create personal, team and community connections
5. Personal and Social Skills
  1. developing personal, social, ethical and lgal understandings in digital technologies contexts
  2. demonstrating adaptability and flexibility to create digital solutions in a range of digital technologies contexts
  3. developing the ability to self-manage time and planning during Digital Solutions problem-solving
  4. developing and enhancing the personal characteristics of resilience, mindfulness, open- and fair-mindedness, and self-awareness during Digital Solutions problem solving
6. ICT Skills
  1. accessing, collating, evaluating, analysing and presenting information from primary and secondary sources
  2. being productive users of ICTs to manipulate digital infomration to ascertain trends, patterns or relationships and effectively communicate development of solutions to a specified audience