APPInventor Logo

App Inventor is a thing ... that lets you "invent" applications for Android phones.

The nice people at Google allowed MIT to keep this thing alive and hopefully it will eventually get out of beta and be a litle more stable and capable - it is however a very interesting thing.

I have played with it, here are some of my apps:

The QR Codes here should allow you to install the apps directly on your android thingy, they are hyperlinked also if you want to manually download them

Hi Lo - the classic number guessing game

There is also a development recipe available
DandD i Roller - a Dungeons and Dragons Dice roller app

there is a development recipe available or you could click on the QRCode to install it directly on your phone
DandD i Roller
a simple stop watch - recipe available or download the finised app using the QR Code opposite stop watch
Other recipes are also available (developed in app inventor, captured in OneNote, ripped to PDF, yada yada):
General Orientation APP Inventor Orientation
Virtual Pet Virtual Pet - APP Inventor
Sketchpad SketchPad - APP Inventor
Note Taker Note Taker - APP Inventor
Jump to a URL url fixer
Whack-a-Mole Whack-A-Mole - APP Inventor