Origami Copyright Theft is BAD, mmmkay?

It is exhausting to have to continually deal with a host/domain name server to have unlawful scraped copies of my posts being re-published (with minor, illogical edits) as part of a large but unattributed collection of clickbait masquerading as a content aggregator. openAI24 dot com…

I feel powerless to act as the site has no working “contact us” or grievance process, no one you can email to winge at other than admins upstream of the website.

The best I can do for MY content is to get it blocked at a DNS level, resulting in a “forbidden” message when you try to jump to the actual article. Sadly this does not effect the gallery “preview” of each article. Although it is completely OBVIOUS that all original authors of all content on this site are in the same position, apparently “takedowns” can only be issued by the original author…

It seems the same site is casually ripping off content from Leyla Torres’ ‘Origami Spirit”, Helen Hiebert’s studio and many more. Even though many of us have complained and issued “take down” notices, the site continues to harvest from my site (even though I have now blocked 7 posts at time of this post).

Anyone being similarly ripped off – contact me, the take down process is fairly simple, I am happy to take you through it.

Please feel free to complain to abuse@namecheap.com – they are the host AND name server for this pile of illegal copyright infringement, and the ONLY body actually contactable to do anything about this nightmare

It would be truly humorous if they harvested this post also – they seem indiscriminate THEIVES so who knows, we might be heading for a meta singularity some time soon.