So I decided to move this project to a blog, because it lets me index and be a little cleverer, sorry for any poor sod trying to actually follow this project as it has jumped around a bit.
My aim – 365 models, one per day for a year. Ambitious and scary actually – no idea if I can do it, willing to give it a try.
For your reference, the models, when photographed, are standing on a block of note paper some 17cm long. I will try to remember to include in the tag what shape paper is used to make it and what base it is derived from (if any) and if I remember the Designer of the model.
Rules (attempted guidelines at least):
- * if I am unable (due to awayness) to post, I will, as separate posts, the next available day, catch up. Circumstances and busyness vary, sorry.
- * models made from sheets of paper, white
- * after the initial shaping of the unfolded page (square, rectangle, transverse polyhedra, whatever) no cuts, no glue
- * model must be (hopefully) recognizably something
- * ONE box/container model per month
- * ONE compound model a month (ie. a model that uses more than one sheet of paper, combined into a single figure) unless a celebration day has a model that looks good but requires more sheets
…wish me luck